2009 Second Term: A Productive One

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010
The second term of 2009 was like the headline says, a very productive one, but that was only in the academic context, although I had to retake FOUR subjects (yes, I failed in the most epic way in the second term of 2008).

As I said, that was a really productive time: I learned a lot of Physiopathology, which has been really useful to me now I'm taking Intern Medicine. Also, I finally could understan Genetics, but I'm still thinking that it's useless in the pre-grade level.

On the same topic, the second term of 2009 had one of the best academic experiences I've ever had in this career: I had my first shifts in a Horse Breeding Precinct called "Haras Paulina". A friend and I had the Tuesday night shift in which we had to give some water to the animals, check the mares which were about to foal, and check the physological constants of the foals.

As I had so much to study and some work in the horse breeding precinct, my social life, which honestly has never been too active, became only a shadow of what it was: I just hanged out with my university friends when we were in the faculty. Sadly, my social life is still stuck in the same state, although, I can see some signs of "recovery".

Luckily, this term ended so nice compare with the second term of 2008. I passed all my subjects, my entire family was alright, I assisted a mare to foal in one of my shifts, and for Christmas my parents gave me a Xbox 360 as a reward for all my physical and psycological effort done in the term (and also because I bothered so much asking them for it).

2 comentarios:

Simón Soto dijo...

Social life? I barely remember what that was... I blame the university =(

Anyway, having passed physiopatogy may have been the most relieving experience ever!

Miss dijo...

The second term of 2009 was like the headline says, a very productive one, but that was only in the academic context, although I had to retake FOUR subjects (yes, I failed in the most epic way in the second term of 2008).

As I said, that was a really productive time: I learned a lot of Physiopathology, which has been really useful to me now I'm taking Intern Medicine. Also, I finally could understan Genetics, but I'm still thinking that it's useless in the ? pre-grade level.

On the same topic, the second term of 2009 had one of the best academic experiences I've ever had in this career: I had my first shifts in a Horse Breeding Precinct called "Haras Paulina". A friend and I had the Tuesday night shift in which we had to give some water to the animals, check the mares which were about to foal, and check the physological constants of the foals.

As I had so much to study and some work in the horse breeding precinct, my social life, which honestly has never been too active, became only a shadow of what it was: I just hanged out with my university friends when we were in the faculty. Sadly, my social life is still stuck in the same state, although, I can see some signs of "recovery".

Luckily, this term ended so nice WF compare with the second term of 2008. I passed all my subjects, my entire family was alright, I assisted a mare to foal in one of my shifts, and for Christmas my parents gave me a Xbox 360 as a reward for all my physical and psycological effort done in the term (and also because I bothered so much asking them for it).

well done good luck with this year
p.s. you got a 5.8

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