Horses! =D

domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010

There are a lot of animals I like, but there is only one which take the first place in my list and that's the horse (I should say the dog is very close). Since I was a kid I've admired this wonderful animals but as a lot of people I was pretty afraid of them, mainly because they are so impressive.
When I was around 10 years old I had the chance of ride a horse by myself and in that moment, I fell in love with horses forever. I was (and still I am) astonished with the way the horse can mix up the elegance and strength in its running.
Horses are really faithful animals. Some people don't think so just because horses usually don't perform signs of happiness like dogs which waves their tails and jump around. When a horse is happy to see its owner, it just walks towards him or her.
Another reason I really like this wonderful animals is that horses in addition to be "pets", can be a work tool in country or city (races). But, to my mind, horses are in a special category: they aren't pets neither work tools, they are just Horses.
A few weeks ago, I had a vocational crisis about my work area as a vet. Since I began to study this career I'd been strongly convinced about to work with horses, but lastly I experienced some things that made me think about to work with little animals like dogs and cats. I discard all my confusion thanks two things: In a shift in the faculty hospital a cat scratched me with no reason, he just hated me; and the next day after that I visited a Training Center for Arabian horses (which run endurance races) where I knew about a new work field. To sum up, I fell in love with horses

4 comentarios:

Nachors dijo...

In the picture: Asunción with Artax, in background Artax's Mom: Locateli
The picture belongs to Bea Aguirre

Asuncion Espinosa dijo...

AWWWWW!!!!... my little Artax... I think is the best election... horses are the best.
But I have to say: the cat who scratch you... is crazy... because of the TEC, so is your fault! ¬¬...

I love cat, and dogs... but horses are something else...
The horses in the picture are mine!!!!!... i'm so happy about that... :P
(YAP... todo en ingles, chamullado, pero en ingles, para que la profe te ponga buena nota... jajaja)

~ ale ~ dijo...

Horses are indeed majestic. I really like them but just like what happened to you, I kind of fear them. It's just that they are so big! When we have to practice with them at the faculty I always fear the horse will get angry due to all the manipulation (It would be it's right though... the poor creatures are so patient with us) and that it will start kicking.
But! leaving that aside I really like them. =)

Miss dijo...

There are a lot of animals I like, but there is only one which take the first place in my list and that's the horse (I should say the dog is very close). Since I was a kid I've admired this wonderful animals but as a lot of people I was pretty afraid of them, mainly because they are so impressive.
When I was around 10 years old I had the chance of ride a horse by myself and in that moment, I fell in love with horses forever. I was (and still I am) astonished with the way the horse can mix up the elegance and strength in its running.
Horses are really faithful animals. Some people don't think so just because horses usually don't perform signs of happiness like dogs which waves their tails and jump around. When a horse is happy to see its owner, it just walks towards him or her.
Another reason I really like this wonderful animals is that horses in addition to be "pets", can be a work tool in country or city (races). But, to my mind, horses are in a special category: they aren't pets neither work tools, they are just Horses.
A few weeks ago, I had a vocational crisis about my work area as a vet. Since I began to study this career I'd been strongly convinced about to work with horses, but lastly I experienced some things that made me think about to work with little animals like dogs and cats. I discard all my confusion thanks two things: In a shift in the faculty hospital a cat scratched me with no reason, he just hated me; and the next day after that I visited a Training Center for Arabian horses (which run endurance races) where I knew about a new work field. To sum up, I fell in love with horses again.

good you have your vocation back!! I haven't noticed it was Asuncion in there. Send her my regards,

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