Ticket to Ride

sábado, 1 de mayo de 2010

There are several countries I want to visit like Japan, Germany, France, Mexico, etc. But, for a lot of reasons, the very top of my list is England.
I'd really love to go to London and visit all it's classic touristic features like The Buckingham Palace, which is the home of the Royal Family; Trafalgar Square; The Tower of London, which was
house of the Crown Jewels for several years and was the place where Anne Boleyn was imprisoned on charges of adultery, treason, witchcraft and incest; The Tower Bridge; The Parliament Building (obviously with the Big Ben) and The St. Paul's Cathedral. But visit the modern buildings like The Shard of Glass, The Millennium Bridge, The City Hall and The London's Eye would be really awesome too. To sum up, I want to visit all the famous buildings in London.
As a regular (not extremist) football fan, it'd be so great to visit the Wembley Stadium which is like our National Stadium and the Stamford Bridge Stadium which is home of Chelsea FC.
In a non-touristic term, I think that study a PhD in England would be really useful to me, that's because England have a really good medicine of big animals, like cows and horses, which is my favourite veterinary area. It'd also be good to improve my English level and I could listen the British accent
(which I consider so polished and sexy) all day.
Another reason why England is the first country I like to visit is the Music. As far as I know, there are a lot of festivals of indie and garage rock music (which is my favourite one). And I'd love to visit the studios of Abbey Road, where The Beatles recorded their albums; and the Apple Corps building at 3 Savile Row, where they made their last live performance in the rooftop.
Probably I could live all my life over there but now, I'm dying for spend just a couple weeks or months over the Pond (as American says).

6 comentarios:

Victoria dijo...

Hi Nacho!
London is a great place to visit!
I love The Beatles, so I would like to go to this studio too.
See you!!

Simón Soto dijo...

My post dissapeared =S
Anyway, it was something like:

England? Really? I would never have guessed xD
Anyway, reading your post makes me want to go there as well. Visit the Abbey Road studios is something I've always wanted to do. It would be awesome to cross that street and have a picture of that.
See you, Charles.

~ ale ~ dijo...

I want to go to England too! I actually went there when I was about 10 or 11 years old so I don't remember much about it =( . I'd love to visit the Big Ben, the Buckingham Palace, the Tower Bridge, and well... all those cool places you mentioned. Also! just because it's England.. It would be absolutely mandatory to drink tea at 5 o'clock xD.

Asuncion Espinosa dijo...

Mmmm no puedo escribirlo en ingles... asi que sorry miss...
Oye junta plata y nos vamos de colados al depto de mi tio, aunque vas solo al estudio de musica y al estadio tambien... but tea at 5'o clock like jajars said sound awesome!!! (nose si esta bien escrito)... olvidaste decir que te gustaria ir a las fiestas en "England"... esop...

nataliesturm dijo...

England is a really cool place to visit. The only thing I don`t like is the weather there, it rains a lot and it can be very cold. Still, cool country, a lot of stuff to see and a lot of tea to drink, haha.

Miss dijo...

There are several countries I want to visit like Japan, Germany, France, Mexico, etc. But, for a lot of reasons, the very top of my list is England.
I'd really love to go to London and visit all it's classic touristic features like The Buckingham Palace, which is the home of the Royal Family; Trafalgar Square; The Tower of London, which was house of the Crown Jewels for several years and was the place where Anne Boleyn was imprisoned on charges of adultery, treason, witchcraft and incest; The Tower Bridge; The Parliament Building (obviously with the Big Ben) and The St. Paul's Cathedral. But visit the modern buildings like The Shard of Glass, The Millennium Bridge, The City Hall and The London's Eye would be really awesome too. To sum up, I want to visit all the famous buildings in London.
As a regular (not extremist) football fan, it'd be so great to visit the Wembley Stadium which is like our National Stadium and the Stamford Bridge Stadium which is home of Chelsea FC.
In a non-touristic term, I think that study a PhD in England would be really useful to me, that's because England have a really good medicine of big animals, like cows and horses, which is my favourite veterinary area. It'd also be good to improve my English level and I could listen the British accent (which I consider so polished and sexy) all day.
Another reason why England is the first country I like to visit is the Music. As far as I know, there are a lot of festivals of indie and garage rock music (which is my favourite one). And I'd love to visit the studios of Abbey Road, where The Beatles recorded their albums; and the Apple Corps building at 3 Savile Row, where they made their last live performance in the rooftop.
Probably I could live all my life over there but now, I'm dying for spend just a couple weeks or months over the Pond (as American says).

I´m sure you ´d love it there... you can go with Asuncion... actually we can all go!!

p.s. you got 6,6

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