Bovine TB found in wild boar for first time in UK

domingo, 13 de junio de 2010
A group of scientists have recently performed tests on a 60 kg female wild boar in the UK founding signs of bovine tuberculosis. This discover is the first of its kind in the UK and has raised some concern among the farmers. They think this could contribute to the presence of this disease in cattle, but researchers say this species has a low risk of spread the disease.
The study is conducted for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), which recently has said: "This finding does not change our risk assessment of the roles of other wildlife at present and we continue to monitor confirmed cases of TB in all animals, including wildlife, as part of our ongoing TB surveillance."
DEFRA also said the main risk for human become infected is the handling of infected wild boars or their carcasses in field. So they recommend basic hygiene practices and the wearing of protective equipment to prevent the contact with aerosols.
The wild boar joins to the list of wild reservoirs of bovine tuberculosis. Some animals of this list, like badgers, are considered a real threat for some governments, like Wales which performs culling on them. The UK promotes the culling of some animals like wild deer when the levels of infection are too high. Scientists are divided about this measure is really effective.

ps: this is the main article

5 comentarios:

Nachors dijo...

Since Ale told me I have to choose two classmates to evaluate my work, I choose Tere and Ale =P

~ ale ~ dijo...

Hello there!!!
This is quite be completely honest I had to check on google what a "boar" is because I didn't know xDDD...

Ehmm I was only able to find two mistakes in your summary. The first one is in the first line...since you talked about A group of scientists I THINK you should have used the word "HAS" instead of "HAVE".

And the second one is at the beginning of the second paragraph. I Think you meant that the study is conducted BY the Department of Environment and not FOR the Department of Environment (At least that's what I think... maybe you did mean that the study was for them. If that is the case then I apologize XP ).

And that's all...
See you tomorrow!!! =)

Nachors dijo...

About the second mistake... I copied that line exactly like the original article. To me, that sounds weird too xD

~ ale ~ dijo...

Maybe it's too british for our understanding xDDD

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